Enjoy fresh vegetables while experiencing vegetable harvesting with one coin in Tokyo

There are several places in Tokyo where you can experience harvesting vegetables and fruits, but this time I harvested vegetables at Naritanishi Fureai Agricultural Park in Suginami area, so I would like to write about that experience. I think there are similar application in other area in Tokyo too. So those living in Tokyo and interested in such experience can search similar things in their living area. The homepage of Naritanishi Fureai Agricultural Park is here(only in Japanese).
Application System
At Naritanishi Fureai Agricultural Park, you can not harvest vegetables at any time, but you need to apply. There is a notice on the homepage such as "Summer 2021 Harvest Experience", so apply from there (* It seems that the recruitment is limited to Suginami area). If you are selected by lottery after applying, you can participate in the harvest experience. The price is surprisingly only 500 yen. Considering the amount of vegetables to be harvested and the experience of harvesting, I think this price is really reasonable. Therefore, I think that the lottery rate is also high.
Harvested Vegetables
Depending on the season, the vegetables harvested this time were green beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and green soybeans.
How it goes
After completing the reception, there will be a harvest briefing session for about 15 minutes. At the harvest briefing session, they will explain the vegetables to be harvested. I think it was a useful story for children and adults alike because it was a trivia story about vegetables. Gather in the area of vegetables to harvest, receive explanations on how to harvest each vegetable, and start harvesting. Children scrutinize the vegetables they harvest and find big and delicious vegetables. Harvested 15 green beans and 2 corns.

Added lots of tomato

Added 6 green pappers

added 5 eggplants

Added green pea.

You can harvest this amount of vegetables, and the price is exceptional at 500 yen. Thank you very much for the project.
You can check how it looks like in the following video too.